Case study

Music Production Studio


Website portfolio and logo branding for music studio production


Dario Ferrante, Ruben Sonnoli @ Kinzica Studio


  • #Web design
  • #Logo branding
  • #Audio player


Kinzica is a collective of musicians and sound professionals that focus on the composition and production of music for media. Kinzica provides different services like studio recording, composition, production and sound design. Their goal is to offer clients a diversified approach for every project they work on, taking care of the music from the initial idea to the recordings and the final production.

Ruben and Dario reached me out to help them with a logo branding and a complete website portofolio to collect all their works, show all their best clients/music placements and to give clear informations regarding all their services. We started out brainstorming about their mission. Here's where the trip begins.



Unlike many other music production portfolios, Dario and Ruben wanted an efficient digital tool that centralized all the needed infos in the simple yet straightforward way. The brand logo represents a metronome, a tool used by musicians to practice with a regular time pulse. That is what Kinzica wants to communicate: a regular and trustworthy pace in creating and producing music.

All the mockups were created from scratch. Since the idea was to keep it simple as possible, we decided that words were key. Landing page is a straight to the point message of what the studio offers:high quality audio for your brand.

All the front information pages were carefully designed to give customers detailed informations regarding all the services that can be provided, short bios with social connections of both project members and a contact page to get quickly in contact with the studio. Design was intended to be in three versions: desktop, tablet and mobile.

"During the brainstorming and then brand strategy we worked hard to organize all the main concepts. I listened carefully to every problems they wanted to resolve, taking notes and thinking of possible solutions. I've started by showing them some templates and they showed me similar websites as example references. We understood, we took inspiration and we improved the solution. "

Michael Web Creation


The website was tailored developed using GatsbyJS and Tailwind for both page/components and style. Gatsby provides great tools to handle SEO and pagination while Tailwind is amazing to get productive for responsive design styling. Speaking of pagination, I thought that we could have taken advantage of Gatsby Awesome Pagination plugin to serializing all the work content creation. Ruben did a great job providing all the textual content while Dario provided all the audio and videos.

This resulted is an elegant yet modern audio blog post. Customers and users can have a quick and clear idea of the product and ask Kinzica to produce their next audio brand!


"We couldn't be more satisfied with the final result delivered by Michael. Our brand new website portfolio gathers our activity and shows our place, in one official place displaying all the informations in a clear yet cool way! We're already seeing an increase in getting new clients thanks to the usability that the platform offers."

Ruben Sonnoli @ Kinzica Studio

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